Meditation Instructions
Meditation Technique and Duration :
- Yogis have to follow meditation technique expounded by Late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw under the guidance of resident Kammathanachariya Sayadaw. Meditators must strictly adhere to the meditation teacher's instructions and should not practise alternative meditation methods.
- New comer yogis must stay a minimum of 10 days (plus 2 days for entry and leaving centre) of meditation session in the centre. Yogis are not allowed to return before completion of the session. Once a 10 day course has been completed, old yogis can stay any amount of time as desired ranging from 1 day to several months.
Yogi's Task and Conduct
There is only one task to be done by the meditators, i.e, to practice with:
- respect and sincerity
- diligence
- heroic effort
- perseverance
- patience
- sustained continuous,
- moment-to-moment mindfulness from the time of waking up in the morning to the time of falling asleep at night.
Other General Rules
- Yogis must follow the Daily Routine and all rules of the centre. Yogis should do 14 hours of formal sitting and walking meditation per day. Sleep should be limited to 4-6hours per 24hours.
- Male and female yogis will have separate dorms. You are required to practice sitting meditation in separate sections of meditation hall.
- Generally meditation is for people with a normal and stable mind. If a person is mentally not in shape to do intensive meditation practice, especially to conform to the strict discipline, then that person may not be admitted as a yogi.
- Physical activities such as yoga are not allowed during the stay in IBMC.
Application Procedure :
- Fill out the form and submit to the IBMC office at Buddhanagar.
- Your form should reach the centre at least one week before the date of your arrival.
- Form should be signed and a recent photograph should be attached.
- Once form is received in the office, a seat will be booked for you.
- You may be asked to attend an interview based on the information you provide on the form.
- Should you require an interview, you will receive a call.
- Please come to the meditation centre with your limited necessary belongings at the stipulated date and time.
Items to bring and not bring:
- Your Medicines. (If you are under medication, don’t forget to bring those. Please notify in the application form about your medical conditions.)
- Your Toileteris. (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, brush, towel, napkin, etc.).
- Please be reminded that no cosmetic items and jewellery are allowed as yogis are strictly required to follow the 8 precepts.
- Your Clothings.
- Decent clothings depending upon weather seasons. Loose garments that cover most of your body is recommended for better practice. Clothings that produce sound and body exposing clothings are not allowed.
- Bedding items. ( Bed sheet, pillow cover, light blanket-optional).
- The centre will provide you with bed matress, pillow and a blanket).
- Mosquito repellent. (Killing any insects is strictly not allowed. Mosquito nets will be provided in meditation hall.)
- Slippers, Torch light and umbrella – recommended.
- Music items, Books for reading, Mobile devices are not allowed. You can take notes of daily dhamma teachings.