About Us

About: International Buddhist Meditation Center

International Buddhist Meditation Center (IBMC) was founded in 1985 by Chief Kammatthānācariya Sayadaw U Panditābhivamsa, the successor to the well-known late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma. The land was donated by Miss Chaitya Maya Shakya (Anagarika Chandanyani). Ven. Gyanpurnika Mahasthavir, President of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association, is the patron of IBMC. IBMC is registered under the District Administration Office, Kathmandu and also affiliated with Panditārāma Shwe Taung Gon Sāsana Yei ktha, Myanmar.


The main objective of the center is to provide a forum for Satipatthāna Vipassanā meditation as taught by Lord Buddha in order to establish peace and harmony in the individual and in society.

  • To conduct Satipatthāna Vipassanā meditation retreats
  • To provide necessary services to carry out the meditation retreats
  • To manage for the dissemination of Satipatthanā Vipassanā meditation

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